“Pinkalicious The Musical” to Hit The Oncenter Carrier Theater on November 2nd! The much-loved “Pinkalicious The Musical,” a long-running hit by the Vital Theatre Company, is celebrating its 18th anniversary with a special tour, making a highly anticipated stop at The Oncenter Carrier Theater on November 2nd! Based on the best-selling children’s book “Pinkalicious” by… Continue Reading →
Broadway Utica is excited to present “Pinkalicious The Musical” as part of the UticaWorx educational programming series at the Rome Capitol Theater, Rome N.Y. on November 1, 2024, at 10:30 am. This delightful show, designed for Pre-K through second-grade students, promises a vibrant and engaging experience for young audiences. Based on the beloved book by… Continue Reading →
The Broadway Theatre League of Utica is pleased to announce Geovanni Stoddard as the recipient of the 2023-2024 Linda Leogrande Youth Ambassador Scholarship. The Linda Leogrande Youth Ambassador Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Linda Leogrande, who served on the Broadway Theatre League board for over 30 years. This scholarship recognizes and supports seniors… Continue Reading →
The Oncenter Crouse Hinds Theater, Syracuse, NY
THE LIFE AND MUSIC OF GEORGE MICHAEL PLAYS THE ONCENTER CROUSE HINDS THEATER SEPTEMBER 18 NATIONAL TOUR HITS THE ROAD IN 2024 TICKETS ON -SALE NOW Due to popular demand, Ruckus Entertainment today announced The Life and Music of George Michael (www.TheLifeandMusicofGM.com) will return to the road for a U.S. tour in 2024. The brand… Continue Reading →
The Oncenter Carrier Theater, Syracuse, NY
Proctors Theatre, Schenectady N.Y.